Patzún, Guatemala
I never officially served as a missionary in Patzún, but I worked with the missionaries in Patzún several times during my mission. I then lived in Patzún during the summer of 1977 working on the translation of the Book of Mormon into Cakchiquel. I also visited there several times in the summer of 1978 when I was in Guatemala recording Church materials in Cakchiquel.

Members at the church in Patzún in 1978. This was the temporary church after the earthquake.

Branch President Hermán Tum Ixen and family at the temporary church in Patzún in 1978. Hernán later became the stake patriarch when the stake was formed.

Francisco Aju Family in 1978.

Juan Aju and kids in 1978

The Aju family (ri Aju’i’) in Patzún in 1978.

Francisco Aju’s daughter in
Patzún in 1978

Elder Sansom in Patzún in 1978

Patzún fair

Elder Howard and Elder Frischknecht at the Patzún fair

Woman carrying an animal head from the market.

Elder Richman on stage at the Patzún fair, June 26, 1975

Patzun, Guatemala before the earthquake of 1976 (Photo courtesy of Michael Morris)

Patzún, Guatemala after the earthquake of 1976 (Photo courtesy of Michael Morris)
Patzún After the Mission

Patzun woman (not my photo)