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Translations in Cakchiquel (Kaqchikel)

Cakchiquel (or, in modern orthography Kaqchikel), is an indigenous Mesoamerican language spoken in Guatemala. It is a Mayan language spoken by about 500,000 indigenous people in central Guatemala (most notably in and around the cities of Patzicía, Patzún, Tecpán, Sololá, Chimaltenango, Comalapa, and San José Poaquil).

The Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala (Guatemalan Academy of Mayan Languages) was founded in 1990 and standardized the orthography (spelling) of the Guatemalan languages, effectively changing the spelling of “Cakchiquel” to “Kaqchikel.”

The materials listed on this page were published prior to that time, and therefore use the previous orthography (which spells the language as “Cakchiquel”).

LDS Resources in Cakchiquel (Kaqchikel)


Articles of Faith
Artículos de Fé en Cakchiquel (Kaqchikel)

See the 1978 translation of the poster and card (1976 and 1978).

Note: A more recent translation was completed in 1981 (item number 33633 019)


Baptismal Interview Questions
Preguntas de la entrevista bautismal en Cakchiquel (Kaqchikel)

Read sample interview questions online: Baptismal questions / Preguntas de la entrevista bautismal


First printing, 1978

Second printing, 1998

Book of Mormon, Selections
Selecciones del Libro de Mormón

Translated from English to Cakchiquel by David Frischknecht, Larry Richman, and others from 1975-1978 for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This translation consists of approximately one third of the chapters from the full Book of Mormon.

Order a printed copy at (item number 33568 019)

Read online / Leer en línea:


Original Packaging for audio cassettes


Revised packaging for audio cassettes when remastered in December 2000

Book of Mormon, Selections, Audiocassettes
Selecciones del Libro de Mormón en audio

Audio Recording, 1978. Grabacciones en audio cinta.

Listen online / Escuchar en línea. Navigate to a chapter in the book and click the headphones icon in the lower right corner of the page.headphones-icon

To download an MP3 of the entire book, click the download icon at the top right of the page, as you see pictured below:



Book of Mormon Stories
Relatos del Libro de Mormón

Printed book, 1979. Libro impreso. (item number 31117 019)

Chapters / Capítulos:  1   2-3   4-5   6-8   9-11   12-13   14-15   16   17   18-19   20-21   22   23-25

Words, People, Places in the Book of Mormon / Palabras, personas y lugares en el Libro de Mormón

Book of Mormon Timeline / Línea de tiempo del Libro de Mormón


Book of Mormon Stories Audiocassettes
Relatos del Libro de Mormón en audio

Audio Recording, 1978. Grabacciones audios. (item number 31117 019)


Culture for LDS Missionaries: Guatemala Indian

The manual Culture for Missionaries: Guatemala Indian was written by Larry Richman in 1980 for the Missionary Training Center (MTC) for use by LDS missionaries to understand the culture of the native peoples of Guatemala.

Read online:


General Conference Interpreted into Cakchiquel

Watch and listen to the Sunday Morning Session of the October 2003 General Conference. Sample talks:


Gospel Principles
Principios del evangelio

Printed manual, 1980. Libro impreso. (Church item number 31110 019)

Read or download PDFs below / Leer en linea o bajar PDF:

Introducción     Capítulos 1-2     3-6     7-9     10-11     12-13     14-15     16-17     18-19     20-22     23-25 26-27     28-30     31-33     34-36     37-39     40-42     43-45     46-47     Pinturas y fotos     Glosario Himnos y cantos 1     Himnos y cantos 2     Himnos y cantos 3

Listen to audio recordings in the section below.

List of scriptures in the Gospel Principles manual (escrituras en el manual)



Gospel Principles on audiocassettes
Principios del evangelio en audio

Audio Recording, 1978. Grabacciones en audio cinta.

Listen to audio recordings: Chapters 1-3 Chapter 4 Chapters 5-7 Chapters 8-9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapters 12-13 Chapters 14-15 Chapters 15-16 Chapter 17 Chapters 18-19 Chapters 20-21 Chapters 22-23 Chapters 24-25 Chapters 26-27 Chapters 28-29 Chapters 30-31 Chapters 32-33 Chapter 34-35 Chapters 36-37 Chapters 38-41 Chapters 42-43 Chapters 44-45 Chapter 46 Chapter 47


Guidebook (1997): Family
Guía: La familia

Printed booklet, 1977. Librito impreso. (item number 31180 019) Download PDF

See updated version below.


Guidebook (2006): Family
Guía: La familia

Printed booklet, 2006. Librito impreso. (item number 31180 019) Download PDF


Guidebook: Group
Guía: El grupo

Printed booklet, 1977. Librito impreso.

Download PDF



Guidebook: Priesthood Leaders, first edition
Guía: Líderes del sacerdocio, primera edición

Printed booklet, 1977. Librito impreso.

Download PDF



Guidebook: Priesthood Leaders, second edition
Guía: Líderes del sacerdocio, segunda edición

Printed booklet, 1981. Librito impreso. (item number 31178 019)

Download PDF



Guidebook: Small Branch
Guía: Rama pequeña

Printed booklet, 1977. Librito impreso.

Download PDF



Hymns and Songs in Cakchiquel
Cantos y Himnos en Cakchiquel (Kaqchikel)

The following are LDS hymns and songs translated into the Cakchiquel (Kaqchikel) language. Most were translated from 1975 to 1979 by Larry Richman and reviewed by native speakers of the language from the towns of Patzicía or Patzún in Guatemala. With the exception of the first item below, these translations were not certified nor published by the Church.

LDS Missionary Discussions
Pláticas para missioneros Santos de los Últimos Días

Translation of the missionary discussions from 1976. Note: Although these specific discussions are no longer used by missionaries, studying these translations should help missionaries learn how to explain gospel concepts in the Cakchiquel language.

Read online:


LDS Missionary Pictures (flipchart)
Picturas de enseñanza para misioneros

Pictures used by LDS missionaries to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Item number PVMI2701CC 2/79.)


LDS Words and Phrases
Palabras y frases usadas en la iglesia

Words and phrases used in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The first part lists the Cakchiquel words with the translation into Spanish. The second part lists the Spanish words with their translations in Cakchiquel.



Lectura Básica I Cakchiquel / Español: Enseñanza Individual Sistemática

(Basic Literacy Cakchiquel / Spanish: Sistematic Individualized Instruction)Manual del Tutor (Tutor manual)
Manual del Estudiante (Student manual)Translated and adapted by Larry Richman
Published by Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1977
Download PDF


Sacrament Prayer Card
Tarjeta de las bendiciones de la Santa Cena

Printed card, 1976, item number 33133 019

Download PDF


Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith pamphlet
Folleto El testimonio del profeta José Smith

Pamphlet, 1976.

Download PDF

Listen to audio recording

Order a printed copy of the Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith pamphlet in Cakchiquel at (item number 32667 019).


Other LDS publications translated into Cakchiquel (Kaqchikel)
Otras publicaciones SUD traducidas al Cakchiquel (Kaqchikel)

  • The Latter-day Saint Woman, Part AThe Latter-day Saint Woman, Part A (1983, item number 31113 019)
  • Priesthood and Auxiliary Leader’s Guidebook (1981, item number 31178 019)
  • Branch Guidebook (1981, item number 31179 019)
  • Family Guidebook (1981, item number 31180 019)
  • Family Group Record (1981, Item number 31755 019)
  • Pedigree Chart (1981, item number 31756 019)


Linguistic Helps / Ayudas linguísticas en Cakchiquel (Kaqchikel)


An Examination of Adjectival Forms in the Cakchiquel Language

This study by Larry Richman was published in the Journal of Mayan Linguistics,vol. 3, num. 2, Fall 1982, University of Iowa Anthropology Dept.

Read online: An Examination of Adjectival Forms in the Cakchiquel Language,


An Examination of Adjectival Forms in the Cakchiquel Language

This study by Larry Richman was published in the Deseret Language and Linguistic Society Proceedings, Seventh Annual Symposium, March 26-27, 1981, Brigham Young University

Read online: An Examination of Adjectival Forms in the Cakchiquel Language,


The Semantic Value of the -A’ and the -i’ Noun Plurals in Cakchiquel

This study by Larry Richman was published in the Deseret Language and Linguistic Society Proceedings, Annual Symposium, April 5-6, 1979, Brigham Young University

Read online: The Semantic Value of the -A’ and the -I’ Noun Plurals in Cakchiquel


The Semantic Value of the -A’ and the -I’ Noun Plurals in Cakchiquel

This study by Larry Richman was published in Notes on Linguistics, no. 13, January 1980, Linguistics Department of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, Inc.

Read online: The Semantic Value of the -A’ and the -I’ Noun Plurals in Cakchiquel


Dictionary Spanish-Cakchiquel-English
Diccionario Español-Cakchiquel-Inglés

by Robert W. Blair, John S. Robertson, Larry Richman, et. al.

In 1978, eleven BYU students donated their summer in Guatemala with Drs. Robert Blair and John Robertson of the BYU Linguistics Department to compile dictionaries of Mayan languages. The purpose was to compile learner’s dictionaries in several languages that would later be published and made available to missionaries and students who want to learn these Mayan languages.

Upon returning to BYU, Larry Richman spent the next several months editing the Cakchiquel manuscripts and preparing a trilingual Cakchiquel-Spanish-English dictionary. In 1981, the Diccionario Español-Cakchiquel-Inglés was published by Garland Publishing, a prestigious publisher in New York City. To our knowledge, no books ever made it to Guatemala or the hands of any missionary. Learn more about the creation of this dictionary.

In an effort to fulfill the original intent of this project, Larry requested and received permission from the BYU Copyright Licensing Office to republish the dictionary as an educational and humanitarian effort to help missionaries, students, and others who want to learn the Cakchiquel language. We also hope that it will help native Cakchiquel Indians learn Spanish and English. To request a photocopy of the dictionary, please email

Read a guide that explains how to change the orthography used in this dictionary to the new orthography established by the Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala (Guatemalan Academy of Mayan Languages) which was founded in 1990 and standardized the orthography (spelling) of the Guatemalan languages, effectively changing the spelling of “Cakchiquel” to “Kaqchikel.”



The grammar book Cakchiquel Basic Course was prepared under a grant from the U.S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare and published in 1969 under the names of Robert W. Blair, Kristine Campbell, Lyle Campbell, John S. Robertson, James J. Stone, Roger M. Thompson, Abraham Juracán, Enoe de Jesús Matzer, and Benton Smith.

Download PDFs of the Cakchiquel Basic Course:

Read a guide that explains how to change the orthography used in this grammar book to the orthography used in the translations published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1976 to the 1980s and in the 1981 Diccionario Español-Cakchiquel-Inglés.


Medical Word List
Lista de palabras médicas

List of medical word list in Cakchiquel


Medical Vocabulary
Vocabulario Cakchiquel-Español para el médico y estudiante de medicina

List of medical vocabulary in Cakchiquel



List of numbers in Cakchiquel




Guatemalan Folklore Stories in Cakchiquel (Kaqchikel)


Stories in Cakchiquel
Cuentos en Cakchiquel (Kaqchikel)

Download a PDF

Tales of the Cakchiquels: Trilingual Collection of Folklore from the Cakchiquel Indians of Guatemala

Tales of the Cakchiquels: Trilingual Collection of Folklore from the Cakchiquel Indians of Guatemala
Cuentos de los cakchiqueles: Recopilación trilingüe de cuentos populares de los indígenes cakchiqueles de Guatemala

Original tales of the Cakchiquel Indians from Guatemala, translated into Spanish and English.

Compiled and translated by Larry Richman

Order a copy of Tales of the Cakchiquels: Trilingual Collection of Folklore from the Cakchiquel Indians of Guatemala.

Listen to audio files of stories as told by Pedro & Agusto Tukubal from Tecpan, Fidel Cujcuj from Patzicia, Cristobal Juarez, and others:

Articles of Interest to Guatemala and Cakchiquel (Kaqchikel)

Deep in the Mts-cover

“Deep in the Mountains,” by Hugo Miza, from the Ensign magazine, February 2004, pp. 30-33.

Tells the story of the baptism of the first family into the Church from the town of Comalapa.

Read online / Leer en línea: text or PDF with photos


Book Printed in lndians’ own Tongue,” Church News, February 17, 1979, tells about the publication of the Book of Mormon in Cakchiquel.

Book of Mormon Is Taped in Indian Tongue,” from the Church News, July 23, 1968, tells about a recording of the Book of Mormon in the Cakchiquel language. This was a preliminary, unofficial translation. Above, see the recording that was don in 1978 from the printed translation of Selections from The Book of Mormon in Cakchiquel.

El programa indígena de Guatemala” from the Liahona magazine, November 1966, pp. 256-257

A ‘David’ In Stature, ‘Goliath’ In Gospel,” from the Church News, about Pablo Choc from Patzicía.

This page is not affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If you have additional information to add to this page or corrections for any of the above information, please contact Larry Richman.